Welcome to the Thatcher Elementary School Counselor Page
Kimberly Overall
School Counselor

What is a School Counselor
School Counselors are highly trained professionals with an understanding of child development, social-emotional needs and learning strategies for children in grades K-12. School counselors do not work in isolation within the school setting. They provide a proactive curriculum of instruction and services to meet the needs of each student. They collaborate with teachers, administrators and families. They also work to provide information and referrals to community agencies. Services within a school setting include meeting students individually, in small groups or classroom lessons.
Calming Room (NEST)
What is the NEST?
It’s a place where students are taught tools and strategies to help handle any class, situation, or emotional struggle that comes their way. The Nest is designed to be a positive, calming and relaxing atmosphere. All of the students have been given a quick tour of the room and the same can be provided to any parent or guardian by request.
The Nest has been modeled after other schools’ programs and has shown remarkable statistics in decreasing disciplinary actions, lengthening attention span, increasing grades and decreasing the need for IEPs.

Relax in a Virtual Calming Room
A Virtual Calming room provides coloring pages, guided meditation, yoga, exercise, animal cams, calming music, puzzles, virtual games and more!
Click the Link Below

Zones of Regulation

TES has incorporated the Zones of Regulation as a way to help students identify their emotions, voice how they are feeling and develop strategies they can implement to manage their feelings and be ready to learn. There are no "bad zones," we strive to teach kids feelings/emotions are normal and acceptable but some BEHAVIORS are not. Some behaviors are acceptable/appropriate for the situation or environment but not in others.
For more information, you can go to: zonesofregulation.com
Purpose Full People (Character Strong)
For more information, click the link below to be directed to the Character Strong website
Helpful Information